All Teletalk SMS Center(SMSC) Numbers

Teletalk Bangladesh

Teletalk Bangladesh Limited DBA Teletalk is the only state-owned GSM, 3G, LTE, 5G based mobile phone operator in Bangladesh that started operating in 2004. As of August 2021, Teletalk has a subscriber base of 6.27 million. It also provides a wide range of Digital Services.

Teletalk Message Center Number Assuming you are looking for Teletalk Message Center & SMS service Number, you came right as we have provided them with all. Currently, every network in India is giving problems and dealing with a network issue, message not sending is hard but don’t worry we are here to help you out.

In this article, we have provided you with the Teletalk Message Center Number where Teletalk is present to give its service. Teletalk is majorly present in Bangladesh.

What’s the Teletalk SMSC number and What is its use

SMSC or Short Message Service Centre number is also known as a message center number. Which is basically essential for doing SMS messages from your Sim.

Sometimes due to internal errors or if you change your State then you may face some problems like messages not being sent, Message Not Sent Phone Number Formatted Incorrectly, and many other issues. In such cases, you should update the SMSC number of your present state.

All Teletalk SMS Center Numbers

Teletalk has +880150159999 SMSC numbers. Well, these numbers may vary according to the area. (If there is something missing you can comment to let us know.)

You can send and receive unlimited texts to any country in the world where texting is available (except Cuba or Wallis & Futuna) While writing this article.

How to Change/update your Teletalk SMSC Number on Android and iOS

Your Teletalk sim SMS Center Number might be wrong, so in this case, you can try either refreshing or updating SMSC. Remember you should use the SMSC of your area. You should choose SMSC according to your area which you can get from.

Steps to update or refresh SMSC:

  1. Android: Dial *#*#4636#*#* on Keypad. iOS: Dial *5005*7672*SMSCNUMBER# on the keypad.
  2. It will automatically open the ‘Testing’ settings.
  3. Now if you have two sims in your android phone then choose accordingly. In my case, I opened ‘Phone information1’.
  4. Now scroll down and try to find the ‘SMSC’ option, here will see the Refresh option tap it.
  5. if it didn’t work for you then type your network operator’s SMSC number of your area and tap Update.


Hope you got help from this post, don’t forget to comment and mention your thoughts.

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