Why Does my Hotspot Say Connected But no Internet

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Image Source: online-tech-tips.com

In today’s digital age, a reliable internet connection is essential for both personal and professional use. Many people rely on mobile hotspots to provide internet access when they’re on the go or in areas where traditional broadband isn’t available.

But, it can be troublesome when your hotspot says it’s connected, but you can’t access the internet. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common reasons why this might be happening and what you can do to fix it.

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Why Does my Hotspot Say Connected But no Internet

1. Mobile data is turned off

One of the most common reasons for a hotspot to show as connected but have no internet access is that the mobile data connection on the device is turned off. Mobile hotspots rely on a cellular connection to provide internet access, and if your device’s mobile data is disabled, it will show connect to the internet but no internet.

Sometimes mobile data may not work properly so firstly you can try to turn on Aeroplane mode for a few seconds and then try connecting again to connect.

2. Network congestion

Another common reason for a hotspot to show as connected but have no internet access is network congestion. This can happen when there are too many devices trying to connect to the same network at the same time, and the network becomes overwhelmed.

To solve this network congestion, try disconnecting some of the devices that are currently connected to the hotspot and see if that improves the internet strength. You can also try moving to a location with better network coverage or waiting until the network congestion subsides.

3. Low signal strength

A weak signal on android and iOS can also cause a hotspot to show as connected but have no internet access. This is especially common in areas with poor network coverage, such as rural areas or buildings with thick walls that interfere with the signal.

To troubleshoot low signal strength, try moving to a location with better network coverage or moving your hotspot closer to a window or outside. You can also try using a signal booster or a different hotspot device with more stronger signal capabilities.

4. Data usage limit reached

Some mobile carriers have data usage limits for hotspot devices, and if you exceed this limit, your hotspot may show as connected but have no internet access. To check if you’ve reached your data usage limit, log in to your carrier’s account portal and look for your data usage.

If you’ve reached your data usage limit, you’ll need to either purchase more data or wait until your data usage resets at the beginning of your billing cycle.

Also check if you have set a data usage limit on the hotspot connection, if you have set a limit then it will automatically stop the hotspot internet.

5. Hotspot device issue

Finally, if none of the above solutions work, there may be an issue with your hotspot device itself. Try resetting the Wi-Fi Settings to the default settings, or try rebooting the device itself, and see if this works.

Final Words

there are several reasons why a hotspot might say it’s connected but have no internet access. By troubleshooting the issues listed above, you can hopefully resolve the problem and get back online.

If none of these solutions work, it may be time to consider a new hotspot device or contact your mobile carrier for additional support.

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